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5 Advantages of Name Change After Marriage

Why should you change your name after marriage?
Here are 5 benefits of changing your surname after marriage.

5 Advantages of Name Change After Marriage

1. Symbol of Unity and Commitment:

It is worth noting that one of the major advantages of changing names after marriage includes demonstration of unity and jointness by spouses towards each other. The couples’ last name is something that is commonly seen as evidence of them making a mutual decision to create one life in order to live it together. This act is seen by many couples as a way of affirming their commitment to each other.

2. Family Cohesion and Identity:

Name change after marriage is also an indicator that one considers him or herself a member of a family. This underscores the need to establish a fresh family unit of the marriage. A family name that is shared allows a feeling of oneness, where one feels connected to others as part of a group.

3. Simplifies Legal and Administrative Processes:

It could also make all matters of law and administration simpler for the family members with a common last name. For example, sharing a common surname from joint bank accounts to the ownership of properties, can simplify documentations and dealings. Furthermore, it may also help to diminish the possibility of any confusions in lawsuits that arise from misunderstandings involving spouses.

4. Social and Cultural Conventions:

Changing their name for many is just a social cultural norm. It is a rooted tradition that is sometimes viewed as a normal part of a marriage. By following these traditions, it is possible to maintain some connection with age-old cultural practices and family traditions that seem normal to a person.

Social and Cultural Conventions

5. Personal Choice and Expression:

Changing one’s name after marriage is a personal decision and a form of self-expression for some people. Others take up their spouse’s name voluntarily in a move to bring about some changes in their lives and embrace another beginning. This makes it possible for a person to reshape and reassess one’s self within the institution of marriage.
However, the advantages of changing one’s name after marrying are significant; but this decision is very private. Others may decide to retain their original names, hyphenate them, or explore other options. In the end, changing one's name after marriage is an independent individual decision which should coincide with values and principles.