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How to get former maiden name back after divorce?

Changing back to your maiden name after divorce is a legal and procedural exercise which requires you to also change your name with different identification documents. Here is a step-by-step guide:

How to get former maiden name back after divorce?

1. Verify Divorce Decree:

Make sure you have it written in your divorce decree that you are allowed to change back to your maiden name after divorce. This provision is included in most divorce contracts. If it is not listed specifically, you may have to bring a new name application in the courtroom.

2. Obtain a Certified Copy of Your Divorce Decree:

Go to the court that finalized your divorce and request for a certified copy of the divorce decree. This certified copy is a legal proof of your divorce whereby you have the right to change your name.

3. Complete a Name Change Petition (if necessary):

However, if your divorce order does not contain provisions for change back to your maiden name you may have to file for your name change application in the court. Ensure that you check your local court’s website as it may contain the specific procedures and forms.

4. File the Petition with the Court:

Complete the name change petition and attach the required documents such as the certified divorce decree, proof of identity among others then submit the documents to the family court in the county where the divorce was granted. Pay any applicable filing fees.

5. Attend a Court Hearing (if required):

Some jurisdictions might require a court hearing in order to grant a name change to a petition. Appear at the hearing and give reasons for your proposed new name. The court will decide on whether it has grounds for issuing an order in order for you to have your request granted.

Attend a Court Hearing

6. Obtain a Certified Copy of the Court Order:

After the court grants your petition for name change after divorce, acquire a certified copy of this order from the court. It is essential for updating your Identification at this point.

7. Update Social Security Card:

Go to a SSA near you with the court certificate, order copies of divorce edict and copy documents identifying yourself for verification by the SSA. Fill in the appropriate form required to change your name on your social security card.

8. Update Driver's License or State ID:

Upgrade your drivers’ license from the DMV or state agency and also your state ID card. Do not forget to carry your new SSN card, certified court order and other required documents.

9. Update Passport and Other Identification:

If you possess a passport, put your updated name on it. Fill in all the required forms, hand over your valid passport, the certified court order and any additional documents. In addition, update your voter registration and professional licenses accordingly.

10. Notify Financial Institutions and Service Providers:

Notify your bank, credit card providers, and any other relevant financial entities of your new name. Give them a copy of your court order and newly issued identifications. Also inform other service providers like the utility company.

Notify Financial Institutions and Service Providers

11. Update Employment Records:

Inform your employer about the new name and provide some requisite paperwork. Make sure that your payroll records, email, etc., related to work are updated.

12. Update Social Media and Personal Accounts:

If possible, change your name in all the social media platforms and other personal accounts. It also ensures consistency in your life in different facets.
Be sure also to make a copy of all your documents relating to the name change after divorce for your personal records. However, the procedure may differ slightly, depending on the jurisdiction. It is therefore important to consult local authorities for specific requirements and procedures.